Downloadable PDF versions of activities, exercises, and other supplementary materials from the Mass and Energy Balance (MEB) VCP.
VCP Homework Assignment – Individual Project Summary:
Homework Prompt: Summarize your classroom implementation activity (using techniques learned during the VCP) and asses how well these new implementations translated to the classroom, sharing qualitative or quantitative assessment results.
- Respondent 1: Stevens Institute of Technology
- Respondent 2: Rutgers University
- Respondent 3: University of Dayton
- Respondent 4: University of Minnesota, Dulth
- Respondent 5: Louisiana State University
- Respondent 6: Syracuse University
- Respondent 7: Colorado School of Mines
Post-VCP Syllabuses:
- Mass and Energy Balances (200 Level)
- Material and Energy Balances (200 Level)
Other Supplementary Materials:
- Slides: Proven Methods for Active Participation in Group Activities/Exercises
- Slides: Cooperation vs. Competition
- Slides: Flipping the Classroom
- Slides: Dealing with Large Class Sizes (>60 students)
- Slides: Assessing New Teaching Methods
- VCP Team Project: Ethical Case Study