Mechanical Engineering Activities and Exercises

Downloadable PDF versions of activities, exercises, and other supplementary materials from the Mechanical Engineering VCP.

Homework Assignments: 

Class Climate and Conceptual Questions

  1. Example 1
  2. Example 2

Establish Learning Objectives for Course

  1. Mechanics of Deformable Bodies Course
  2. Analytic Mechanics‐Dynamics Course
  3. Thermodynamics Course

Increase Student Motivation

  1. Example 1: Large freshman course with multiple faculty
  2. Example 2: Challenge with conveying real life examples
  3. Example 3: Engage non-vocal students

Implement Changes to Course Based on VCP Experience

  1. Statics/Strength of Materials
  2. Introduction to Dynamic Systems
  3. Dynamics
  4. Thermodynamics I

Post-VCP Syllabuses:

  1. Dynamics
  2. Product Design and Fabrication (200 Level)
  3. Mechanics of Bioengineering I
  4. Manufacturing Processes (300 Level)