Leadership 2 Session Slides

Downloadable PDF versions of Leadership 2 VCP session slides, created by Community Leaders.

  1. Session 1: Introduction to VCP
  2. Session 2: Creating a Positive and Inclusive Learning Environment
  3. Session 3: Pedagogies of Engagement – Part 1
  4. Session 4: Pedagogies of Engagement – Part 2
  5. Session 5: Pedagogies of Engagement – Part 3
  6. Session 6: Virtual Learning Communities and Student Motivation – Part 1
  7. Session 7: Virtual Learning Communities and Student Motivation – Part 2
  8. Session 8: Learning Objectives and Bloom’s Taxonomy
  9. Session 9:  The LVCP– Reflections and Best Practices
  10. Session 10: LVCP Follow Up  #1
  11. Session 11: LVCP Follow Up #2