Electrical Engineering Activities and Exercises

Downloadable PDF versions of activities, exercises, and other supplementary materials from the Electrical Engineering VCP.

Activities and Exercises: 

  1. Active Learning Activities for Engineering Dynamics Course
  2. Thinking-Aloud Pair Problem Solving and Think-Pair-Share Classroom Activities

Sample Exams: 

  1. Sample Exam for Electric Circuits I Course (100 Level)
    1. Blank Exam
    2. Exam with Answers
  2. Sample Exam for Electric Circuits II Course (200 Level)
    1. Blank Exam
    2. Exam with Answers

Post-VCP Syllabuses: 

  1. Electronics II (200 Level)
  2. Introduction to Digital Systems (200 Level)
  3. Electric Circuit Analysis I (200 Level)
  4. Electronics – Introduction (200 Level)